Research Associate in Software Security and Formal Methods at Newcastle University

There is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated and independent individual to join Newcastle Unviersity as a Research Associate (postdoctoral researcher). The focus of this position is to design and develop theories and tools with solid foundations for secure open-source software development in the context of the EPSRC research project TRUSTED: SecuriTy SummaRies for SecUre SofTwarE Development in collaboration with the University of Liverpool, Google and OCamlPro.
You will join the Secure and Resilient Systems (SRS) group, a thriving and growing team engaged in cyber security research at the School of Computing, Newcastle University. SRS is at the core of Newcastle ACE-CSR, an accredited Excellence Centre in Cyber security Research, one of only 19 accredited centres of excellence in the UK.
You should have a PhD in (software) security, formal methods or program analysis. Knowledge of summary-based analysis, static code analysis, and information flow control is an additional asset.
The position is available on a full time, fixed-term basis, to start immediately and is tenable for 24 months from start date (with possibility of extension).
To submit your application, please follow this link. For all informal enquiries, please contact Narges Khakpour via email [email protected]
We also have an opening in TRUSTED at the University of Liverpool (Sven Schewe and Dominik Wojtczak):